Saturday, February 15, 2020
Charlotte, who was sixteen years older than me, was an important, caring, and supportive person and big sister in my life. She was welcoming and easy to talk to. I remember her coming to watch some of my ball games even after she had three small children of her own to look after. When I was in high school and a hungry teenager, I could drop by her house, which was close to the school, to see what was in the fridge. And when I later occasionally babysat for her and Robert, I could sample her latest batch of homemade wine. Charlotte was a feisty, honest person who spoke her mind. We all admire her fortitude and perseverance as she dealt not only with the physical and expressive communications difficulties associated with her stroke, but also with the effects of cancer. It is a tribute to Charlotte that the mutual love and respect we feel for Charlotte, and that she gave back to us, was so evident at her hospital bedside as family and friends gathered around to visit and be with her and each other. Family was paramount to Charlotte and I feel fortunate to be a member of her family. --- Mike